

After analyzing the investigation results of the Lockerbie case, PanAm 103, a serious fraud of evidence around the MST-13 fragment, to the detriment of Libya can be proven. It looks as if the person mainly responsible for the criminal act is Dr. Thomas Hayes (expert RARDE) and his employee Allen Feraday (RARDE). They must be indicted for their illegal actions and for their lies at the court.

It all started with the questionable finding of a carbonized slalom shirt on January 13, 1989, in the area of Lockerbie (see: the manipulated police label PI'995 with 7 signatures). Photo 1.

Detective Chief Inspector Gordon Ross Ferry (Scottish Police) informed the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) in Germany on May 9, 1990, that the Original MST-13 fragment was discovered in January 1990 in a shirt.
Not earlier! Dr. Hayes Thomas (RARDE) claimed under oath as Witness Expert (number 586); at the court in Kamp van Zeist that he discovered the fragment on May 12, 1989 !

The fact is that Dr. Thomas Hayes, as a witness under oath, made deliberately false and decisive statements leading to the wrong verdict against Libya and Abdelbaset Al Megrahi. The important page 51 in his report was definitely forged.

The first fragment allegedly discovered by Dr. Hayes was not applicable in order to blame Libya for the air disaster of PanAm 103. Even before this fragment was cut into two parts (PT35/a) and (DP31/a) on April 27, 1990 at Siemens in Munich/Germany. Picture Nr.2.

Dr. Hayes must have realized that this timer fragment was fabricated with 8 layers of fibreglass (= prototype circuit board) and not with 9 layers as delivered by Mebo to Libya.
The focus of the investigation is now based mainly - or only – on the following fact: From May 15, 1990, a second MST13 timer fragment had to be created under the same marking (PT35) - this time consisting of 9 layers of fibreglass, not black carbonized, but both sides covered with green "Soldermask"; the same as the circuit boards used in the MST13 timers, delivered before to Libya, including the "Togo MST13 timer K-1.

(Photo HV)

SIO Chief Stuart Henderson, accompanied amongst others by Dr. Hayes and Allen Feraday travelled before June 1990, to the United States. They visited the experts of the FBI Laboratory in Washington. The main purpose was a forensic comparison of the (PT35) fragment with a MST-13 timer (so-called TOGO timer "K-1").

A "declassified" FBI-Security Report No. 262-23, issued August 20, 1990, shows that the FBI officials were deliberately deceived by Dr.Hayes. He did not present them with the original fragment, which he discovered, but a new “fake” MST-13 fragment”.

Extract from FBI report:
The Scottish Police have determined, after extensive investigation that the green circuit board (PT 35) is (only) single sided (with tracks) and composed of nine (9) layers of glass cloth, type 7628.

A solder mask has been applied to both sides of the board. The solder mask appears to be a wet epoxy base type, that was either screen printed or brushed on to the board.

The forensic comparison between the "TOGO MST13 Timer" (K-1) and the "fake" MST13 Timer fragment (PT35) turned out to be identical and therefore Libya and Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi, could finally be burdened...
A comparison with the originally discovered fragment would have shown a completely different result... and had no chance to blame Libya.

Extract from FBI Report:
Personnel from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), (Explosives Unit) discovered a similarity between the circuit board fragment (PT 35) and a printed circuit board, which is a component part of an electronic timer, recovered In Africa in September, 1986 (now referred as specimen K-l).
On June 22, 1990, a side by side comparison of specimen K-l and PT 35 resulted in a positive identification of PT 35, as being similar to specimen K-l. In essence, it has been determined that the PT35 circuit board fragment originated from a circuit board that was like or identical to specimen K-l circuit board.

The FBI report also states that the FBI was informed by Scottish police that the discovery date of the fragment was January 1990!
In the 800 page report by the SCCR a statement reveals that the FBI knew since 1986 that MEBO Ltd, is the manufacturer of MST-13 Timers.

If the investigations by "Operation Sandwood" (Scottish Police) confirms these accusations, then it will lead to an indictment of the responsible officials Dr. Thomas Hayes & Allen Feraday. One of the worst fraud of evidence in the 20th Century can now be proven and justice could be fully restored.

Picture No.1
This also clarifies that the MST13 Timerfragment (PT35) not discovered on May 12, 1989, at RARDE, in a slalom shirt and registered on a fake add-on page No. 51, in the RARDE report 181, by official witnesses. They lied under oath !
(Further "fake" evidence in connection with Page 51, is the overwritten police label No.168, refers to (PI'995) and the

Picture Nr.2,
show the first real MST13 Timerfragment (PT35) part from a prototyp MST13 Timer, fabricated with 8 layer fiberglass, Engineer Ulrich Lumpert make the Scratch marks and the letter “M” on the fragment.
Who brought the original fragment as found in Lockerbie to MEBO, Eng. Ulrich Lumpert in Zürich? (1989 before X-Mas) “The original fragment was always under custody of a Scottish official.”
If SIO Chief Henderson statement in a film is correct, then a Scottish official must have been present in Zurich. This would allow checking the exact date and the reason for this secret mission.

Picture Nr. 3.
shows the patchwork, after April 27, 1990 > the fragment (PT35) had been sawn into two (2) sections (PT35/a) and (DP31/a) at company Siemens in Munich/Germany)

Picture No.4.
Since 15 May 1990, the second MST13 timerfragment also pretend as (PT35) was available for comparison with the Togo Timer (K-1).
Mark: q - There was no two (2) Solder tracks on the MST 13 Timer/circuit boards, were delivered to Libya, only Copper > the two (2)Tracks was sealed and overprinted with Expoxid material ware on it > not with silver solder retinned as the Original fragment PT35 found in Lockerbie!

Togo MST13 Timer (K-1)
